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Aircraft Rescue and Fire Fighting Suite
with Airport Training OnDemand

10+ hour curriculum, based on NFPA standards and FAA 14 CFR 139.319 annual training requirements.
Included Modules:
- Adapting Structrual Equipment
- Aircraft Cargo Hazards
- Aircraft Familiarization
- Airport Emergency Plan
- Airport Familiarization
- Emergency Aircraft Evacuation
- Emergency Communication
- Extinguishing Agents
- Hoses & Nozzles
- Safety
- Tactical Operations
ARFF Adapting Structural Equipment
with Airport Training OnDemand

Gain in-depth knowledge on adapting structural firefighting equipment to Aircraft Rescue and Firefighting.
ARFF Aircraft Cargo Hazards
with Airport Training OnDemand

Learn about hazardous cargo and materials that may be present at the airport.
ARFF Aircraft Familiarization
with Airport Training OnDemand

Gain in-depth knowledge about the different types of aircraft serviced by the airport, with emphasis on aircraft structure and configuration, required for ARFF response.
ARFF Airport Emergency Plan
with Airport Training OnDemand

Learn about the Airport Emergency Plan and the responsibilities of those who are involved during an airport emergency.
ARFF Airport Familiarization
with Airport Training OnDemand

Learn the essentials of the airport environment and the operations occurring around the airfield.
ARFF Emergency Aircraft Evacuation
with Airport Training OnDemand

Gain procedural knowledge of emergency evacuations, with emphasis placed on firefighter and passenger safety.
ARFF Emergency Communication
with Airport Training OnDemand

Learn the communication procedures between aircraft experiencing an emergency and the Air Traffic Control Tower, Incident Command, ARFF and mutual aid responding units.